Tag Archives: workout

Day 9 – Workout Challenge

I had to take a break because I was sick 😦 but I’m just gonna pick up right where I left off! So today was day 9 🙂

Day 9: What is your favorite workout drink? Why?

Water is my go to drink.  I occasionally will drink a gatorade, but I dislike powerade.  If you count Naked Juice as a workout drink, then that’s mine haha but I’d just say water.  It’s replenishing, doesn’t taste like sugar, and my body desperately needs it.  After a scare of almost being hospitalized with severe dehydration last year, I now try to have a glass of water in my hands at all times.  I don’t drink sodas or coffee or anything like that, I just don’t drink with my meals, which is what led me to be dehydrated.  Now I know, being dehydrated like I was is not only terribly unhealthy, but also painful.  The cramps my body was experiencing and the headaches were unfathomable.  I guess it took me to that point before I learned my lesson.

so… DRINK UP!! 

Today’s weight @ 11am – 154.4 lbs

Day 1 – 30 Day Workout Challenge

inspired by http://thinspirationaljourney.wordpress.com/funstuff/challenges/easy-30-day-workout-challenge/?blogsub=confirming#subscribe-blog


Day 1:  How would you rate your level of energy 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

Level of Energy – on average probably around a 5 or 6


Today’s weight @ 4pm – 157lbs